I’m a sucker for webcams. I’m a huge flirt and this allows me to go at several guys and never have to worry about anyone getting upset. I can pull my dick out and stroke it to one guy and straight up tell him I’m going to find another to get me hard again and he won’t even care. That’s what I’ve been searching for my whole life. That’s why webcams work so well for me. They’re like dating but not really. I can just login every day and say hi and jack off together and then be done, until I decide I want to again and if I don’t then it’s no big deal. I don’t have to change my phone number or move or anything crazy like that.
Lately I’ve been obsessed with dallasshepard. He is so unbelievably hot and his cock is the prettiest I’ve ever seen. One day one of my straight friends came over while I was watching his webcam and he even agreed Dallas Shepard is fucking hot.